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The Inaugural Manning's Pit

Poetry Competition

Third Prize, Adults

Mark Haworth-Booth

Mark Haworth-Booth (Swimbridge)

photo by Tessa Traeger

Mark told us

 I have been very aware of the Save Manning’s Pit campaign for a long time but only visited it last year - two fascinating guided tours with Vernon Clarke, Christine Lovelock and Steve Pitcher. Soon after the first visit I wrote a poem about a ‘well loved place’ - Northam Churchyard, then full of newly planted flower borders. However, it was not a wild enough setting for the Manning’s Pit competition, so I wrote a completely different poem in the form of a series of online links about many different aspects of the threatened landscape. I hope the links give the essentials of the situation and convey something of what is at stake. I loved being able to use the wonderful names of bats, wild flowers and other residents of this special habitat.

Mark's poem

# savemanningspit - please follow links

manningspit.com  facebook.com/manningspit
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horseshoebats  sopranopipistrelle  noctule
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beingwithearth  beingthere  being here

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